Monday, 11 May 2009


Nothing much going on here except that I've been playing around with my new camera and trial version of Paint Shop Pro X, which I only have another 15 days left to run. I will need to buy the programme again as I left my disc back in the UK and I'm lost without it as I love to play about with my pictures. I know there are better programmes out there but I've never mastered the full potential of PSP and when I gave Photoshop a try, it totally floored me... I just couldn't understand anything at all and went straight back to the old faithful.

Right so, this is Scamp when he came in last night. He's a stray that we took in when we arrived here and he spent most of the 'winter' in doors sleeping with the kids, but now wants to spend most of his time outdoors now that its 'spring'... I'd rather be in with the air con than out there ... I guess its what he's used to though.

He may look a real 'bruiser' but he's a real softy. Apart from, that is, when he dug his claws into my face a couple of months back. It was my fault as I'd tried to get him out of a fight with another cat and came off worse. I won't do that again I can tell you. I think I was pretty lucky as cat scratches (and even more so bites) can be pretty nasty. I found something that looked like idodine and slapped that on. Little did I realise that it had a pretty horrendous staining effect and took a couple of days to completely fade away!

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